14 Bedroom Color Schemes That May Blow Your Mind

Bedroom color schemes – A bedroom is a place where you wake up and start your day. It is also the place where you go to sleep at night. To make yourself feel more comfortable, your bedroom should have a nice, comforting design to your eyes. This is why you need to consider some bedroom color schemes for yours.

So, how do you choose one of the bedroom color schemes for your bedroom? First of all, do not rely on an amateur for this job. The last thing you need is to have everything in the room look – and feel – detached from one another.

[su_heading size=”26″]Bedroom Color Schemes[/su_heading]

Besides that, consider your personal taste regarding your bedroom color schemes. You want your bedroom design to last for a very long time. Choose carefully, so you will never have to do the same job twice again too soon.

Combined from the magazines and online resources, here are some of the perfect schemes:

1. Blush and Teal (for Fresh and Feminine Look)

bedroom color schemes
bedroom color schemes : https://homebnc.com/

When it comes to something feminine, you do not have to choose anything too bright. (For example: super bright pink.) Tone it down a little with a combination of blush and teal. Instead of getting something a teenage girl would usually have, your bedroom color schemes will look feminine and elegant.

Pros: Choose velvet pink bedcover to combine with teal and matching pillows. White bedsheet is enough to simplify the look, which will match the equally white walls. Faux fur blanket will add its uniqueness. Although the pink is not too bright, no men in your family will be interested to have this kind of bedroom.

Cons: If you plan to have these bedroom color schemes in your summer house, lose the faux fur blanket. It will make your bedroom look hot.

2. The Statement Turquoise

bedroom color schemes 2018
bedroom color schemes 2018 : https://homefieldbrewing.com/

Pros: These bedroom color schemes are only for those who are bold and artistic. Bright turquoise walls are perfect to go with matching curtains and bedcover. Add a retro-look print on your floor and a white, egg-shaped lazy chair with the red inner layer.

If you feel that this is not artistic enough, how about some portraits on the wall and a small, white bookshelf under your window? With a small white table and two chairs, you can even have friends over for a slumber party. If you are more of the conservative type, the turquoise walls might hurt your eyes.

Cons: These bedroom color schemes may not work well for the conservative type. The striking turquoise wall might hurt your eyes. The lamps on the ceiling might a bit too low that it will be hot in the room.

3. Nude Colour Scheme Ideas

bedroom color schemes ideas
bedroom color schemes ideas : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: Besides blush and teal, your bedroom color schemes can look as classic and Mediterranean-like as this one. With nude colours, you do not have to work hard in matching the interior with the furniture. All you need is light crimson on your walls and a tone darker for your bed. Let the curtains be white. Make it simple.

Since the softness of these nude colours will give you a sense of coolness in the room, you might need a little extra help on the lights. To make it less dark at night, a hanging lamp will work wonders in your bedroom. The blush is softer and not too pink, so some men are probably okay with this bedroom.

Cons: These bedroom color schemes will look boring to the artistic type. You might want to accentuate it more to make it look homier.

4. The Sunny Bedroom

bedroom color schemes for guys
bedroom color schemes for guys : https://hips.hearstapps.com/

Pros: The best thing about this sunny-looking bedroom interior in these bedroom color schemes is the yellow wall. It makes your bedroom look sunny everyday. It also helps to save some electricity inside, since the bright colour makes the room look less dark. This can also help you to wake up with a more positive vibe every morning.

If your bedroom is small, there is a way to save some space. You can have your bed and shelves built in and attached to the wall. To match the yellow wall, have some green and soft white pillows on your bed. This makes perfect bedroom color schemes.

Cons: If you are into something bright, this bedroom design idea could inspire you. If not, you would probably prefer much softer colours for the walls. The bright yellow wall will attract more light – and heat – into the room.

5. Sweet Like Chocolate

bedroom color schemes with brown furniture
bedroom color schemes with brown furniture : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: To some people, chocolate is probably considered a bit dull and dark. However, that will not happen if you know how to mix and match the bedroom color schemes like this one. Let the bed, the bedside tables, and the seat by the foot of the bed be dark brown. The dark brown fan-like lamp hanging on the ceiling can be the focal point.

For the walls, let the brown be a tone much lighter than the furniture and the lamp. With the off-white ceiling, white sheets, and soft pink cover and carpeting, you will get a nice contrast.

Cons: If you are easily moody or depressed, it is better that you prefer brighter colours for your bedroom. These bedroom color schemes may also require brighter light, which means more electricity needed in the room.

6. Pink and Lavender As The Powerful Colours

bedroom color schemes and ideas
bedroom color schemes and ideas ; https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/

Pros: Another nice combination that you may consider is this. Imagine you have a bedroom full of pink and lavender. With the right bedcover, white bedsheet, purple pillow, and lavender walls, you will have a sense of calm elegance in your bedroom. These bedroom color schemes look sensual and classy.

If your bedroom is small and you have a double bed, try not to cram so many furniture pieces in it. Not only the colour combination, too much stuff will make you feel less comfortable in your bedroom.

Cons: Guys may not like the feminine touch in these bedroom color schemes. Plus, the shocking pink walls might hurt your eyes if the sun comes in from the window.

7. Purple and Gray

bedroom color schemes grey
bedroom color schemes purple and grey : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: By combining it with powder gray, you will get another sense of calm elegance in these bedroom color schemes. While most of the interior is covered in powder gray, let the purple bedcover be the glamorous point of the bedroom. It is a mix of a classic style with powerful sensuality.

Cons: The floor can be made of wood pallets, well-finished that it feels smooth on the surface. Watch out for termites, though, so your floor needs proper maintenance. This is a unique combination for your bedroom color schemes. Since there is a double, queen-sized bed there, more furniture will not leave enough moving space for you.

8. Get Cozy and Rustic

pictures of bedroom color schemes
pictures of bedroom color schemes : https://i.pinimg.com/

Pros: If you do not feel like having too much of an experiment, no worries. You can still play safe with these bedroom color schemes. Just get cozy and rustic with this classic combination: wood panels and green-tea-tinted walls, plus a wooden bed. The walls may look rather grayish, but it is actually green-tea-coloured.

Cons: These bedroom color schemes may work well if you enjoy the simplicity and nature. However, the wood pallet wall might be quite problematic, due to the constant care needed to get rid of termites. They love consuming wood, which will leave debris on your bed.

9. Navy Blue, Gray, and Goldenrod

bedroom color schemes blue gray
bedroom color schemes blue gray : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: If you are tired of the usual pastels for the bedroom, then it is okay to try something different like this one. Stormy, navy blue and gray give you a sense of relaxing in the bedroom without looking dull. These bedroom color schemes are gentle-looking and still warm. Add a goldenrod comforter and it will not be too dark.

Cons: If your bedroom is small, you probably need to avoid putting too much stuff in it. No need to hang large paintings or portraits on the wall either. Small pictures are better. Try not to put too many layers of bedcovers, because the bed will look heavy and rather messy. Two layers are enough.

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10. Modern Romantics

bedroom color schemes green
bedroom color schemes green : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: Modern Romantics is another concept for artistic bedroom color schemes. Dark but striking turquoise is matched with dusty roses, whether in a painting hanging on the wall, a vase of pale pink roses, or even the print on your pillows and sheets. You can have the dusty pink rose bedcover and a dark turquoise.

Another interesting addition for this bedroom will be the dusty pink rose carpet on the floor and a chair with a matching colour. Since Modern Romantics are more for the artistic and bold personality, you might want to reconsider if you are not into colourful stuff. The dark turquoise may hurt your eyes.

Cons: In this bedroom color schemes, the flowers might cause allergies to some people and invite insects in. Plastic ones might be better.

11. The Pink Princess Bedroom

bedroom colour schemes pink
bedroom colour schemes pink : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: This is the pink princess bedroom almost all girls in the world would want. It is not difficult to play with the tones of pink, starting from the palest to the darkest. Except for the curtains, some pillows, the bedsheets, and the carpeting, which are all white.

You can have the walls painted in pale pink or peach. From there, you can get the tones darker for the bedcover, some of the pillows, and even the lighting and the second layer of the curtains. By playing with the tones, you will get the feminine bedroom color schemes.

Cons: This bedroom is only for the girly-girls. If your daughter is a tomboy, she might want something different. Boys? Forget it. They will probably groan.

12. A Mixture of Ash and Green Pattern

bedroom color schemes blue green
bedroom color schemes blue green : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: If you are looking for something more of an earth-like tone, try this combination for your bedroom color schemes. A mixture of ash and green pattern will make you feel like you are back to nature. With these soft tones, your bedroom will feel much cooler. Let the walls be painted with green and ash grey. Add a mirror hanging there.

Add an ethnic-print drapery on the floor. Even with enough lighting in the room, the colour choices here will not make the room feel too hot for comfort in these bedroom color schemes.

Cons: If you are into more colourful stuff in your bedroom, you will probably choose something else. The drapery or carpeting might trip you over if you do not watch your step or are the clumsy type.

13. Stay True with Something Blue

bedroom color schemes aqua
bedroom color schemes aqua : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: If your bedroom is large, then slate blue is probably the colour for you. To save electricity at home, you might want to keep the ceiling bright white. This will help you to get more natural light from outside your bedroom window.

You can add some matching pictures or portraits hanging on the wall. Make sure the background is white to avoid looking gloomy, which will make these bedroom color schemes look ideal.

Cons: Lose the carpet if you fear tripping over. It may also give you trouble when you want to clean up the floor.

Based on research from Dr. Terry Cralle, blue is one of the best bedroom color choices for enhanced relaxation, people with blue bedrooms reporting a decent 7 hours, 52 minutes of daily sleep.

14. The Cool Mint and Metallic Accents

bedroom colour schemes grey carpet
bedroom colour schemes grey carpet : https://homebnc.com/

Pros: Here comes another cool combination for your bedroom color schemes. The cool mint and the metallic accents will literally make your bedroom feel cooler. The mint green can be seen from the table lamp, the comforter, and the pillows. The metallic accents are from the gray carpeting, some of the pillows, and the shelves.

The walls can be painted with either soft gray, green, or gray with tinted mint green. Either way, it will match with the rest of the furniture and the concept of the whole bedroom.

Cons: The low bed might become a problem when you want to clean up the floor in these bedroom color schemes. It is a potential place for gathering dust or worse…termites and other insects. Plus, you might also want to remove the carpet first before you start cleaning under your bed.

These are the 14 examples of the best bedroom colour schemes. Which one of them that will definitely suit your fancy? Whatever your choice is, may your bedroom become an additional reason to what “home sweet home” really means.

[su_box title=”References :”]https://homebnc.com/best-bedroom-color-scheme-ideas/

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