13 Tips for Create the Cozy Bed Mattress

Cozy bed mattress – You can spend months upon months and thousands of dollars designing the most stylish bedroom imaginable — but it doesn’t mean much if the bed itself isn’t cozy. Interior design should be attractive, but it shouldn’t detract from a room’s main purpose. Because the function of your bedroom is to help you relax, you should primarily be filling your room with warm colors, soft fabrics and — most importantly of all — an incredibly cozy bed.

However, creating a cozy bed doesn’t necessarily come naturally to all interior designers. If you have everything else in your bedroom planned but you don’t know where to start when it comes to ensuring your bed is soft and welcoming, read on.

Know the Mattress Types

The foundation of your cozy bed is your mattress, and there are four primary types of mattress to choose from:

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Innerspring. The least expensive and therefore most common mattress type, innersprings are filled with wire coils that provide bounce.
Memory foam. Rapidly increasing in popularity thanks to online mattress sales, memory foam mattresses conform to your body.
Latex and gel. Latex is similar to memory foam, but it is a bit springier. Some latex mattresses come with a gel layer that assists with temperature regulation.
Air core. Air core mattresses can be inflated or deflated at any time to suit your needs, but they have layers of cushion on top to provide additional comfort.[/su_box]

You can read more about all types of mattresses online, where you can also find them for sale.

Confer With Your Sleep Partner

Mattress Types
Confer With Your Sleep Partner

It’s more than possible that you won’t be the only person affected by the mattress you buy. Between 60 and 70 percent of married couples share a bed, and many parents co-sleep with their babies and kids. You might even leave room on your bed for your pets. While your furry friends might not have bedding preferences, the people in your bed certainly will. Talk to your sleep partners about what they like in a bed — the mattress style and softness, the bedding weight and texture, etc. — so everyone can achieve the sleep they need.

Talk to Your Doctor

cozy bed
cozy bed

It might seem odd to talk to your doctor about your impending bedding purchase, but considering that your bed has a significant impact on your back’s health, this is actually a smart first step. Your doctor can evaluate your spine and the muscles in your back and provide recommendations for style and firmness of your mattress. Your doctor might even be able to write you a prescription for your mattress, which means your health insurance might be compelled to contribute to your cozy-bed pursuits.

Be Generous With Your Budget

As much as you might want to scrimp on your bedding to have more cash available for bedroom décor, your bed should be the largest item on your bedroom budget. This is because when it comes to beds and bedding, you get what you pay for. If you want to feel cozy in your bed, you can’t slash your bedding budget; you’ll need to be generous with yourself to achieve the deluxe comfort you deserve.

[su_box title=”Read more popular ideas about bedrooms” box_color=”#020202″]

Start in Stores

While the internet is full of outstanding deals on beds, mattresses and bedding, you should start your search by visiting a few different brick-and-mortar stores. This will allow you to feel the different beds and bedding instead of relying on descriptions and user reviews. You should take notes on your experiences, so you can remember your favorite bedding materials, brands and the like. Then, you can buy them cheaper online,

Ignore the Sales Staff

Staff in mattress stores are notoriously pushy, and many will outright lie to make a sale. You should brush them off as best as you can and focus on your fact-finding endeavor. Most sales staff will get the hint to back off if you tell them you’re “just looking,” but you might have to ask them nicely to leave you alone.

Wait for Sales

As long as you have a functional bed right now, you can wait to upgrade until you see some major discounts. Market patterns show that May is the best time to buy a mattress; most mattress companies release new mattress models in June, so stores are over-eager to clear out their stock in the months prior. However, you might also notice holiday deals, especially around Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day and the like.

Forget the Foundation

Mattress foundations, also called box springs, aren’t as important to cozy beds as they once were. These days, box springs primarily serve to raise the bed up, which you might not prefer. Instead, you might opt for a platform bed, which provides sufficient support to all mattress types, or you can even build a mattress foundation yourself if you’re handy.

Test Your Mattress

how to check a mattress for bed bugs
Test Your Mattress

How to check a mattress for bed bugs?

After you buy your mattress — especially if you buy it online — you should have a month or two to test out your bed risk-free. If you determine that the mattress isn’t ideal, you should be able to send it back and get a full refund. Mattress companies understand that a bed is an intensely personal purchase, and you should take advantage of their money-back policies if you aren’t 100-percent satisfied.

Understand Your Warranty

Like other large purchases, mattresses come with a warranty, which allows you to return the mattress due to manufacturing defects within a certain amount of time. You should read your warranty closely to understand exactly what kinds of defects are included. Additionally, you shouldn’t necessarily opt for mattresses with longer warranties; most manufacturing defects become obvious within the first year, and you are less and less likely to take advantage of the warranty as years go on. Buying additional warranty coverage is usually a waste.

Learn About Bed Sheets

bed sheets best
bed sheets best

Now, it’s time to focus on the stuff that goes over your mattress. Scratchy, uncomfortable sheets can make even the most luxurious mattress feel low-quality, so it’s imperative that you spend as much time and energy on your linens as you did on your mattress. The first step, again, is learning about different kinds and qualities of sheets. Cotton is by far the most common sheet material, but not all cotton is created equal. You should investigate features like thread count, wave, staple length and more — and you should visit stores to feel the material for yourself — before you buy just any set of cotton sheets.

Mix and Match Color and Texture

If your bed looks a mess, you likely won’t feel totally comfortable inside it. Thus, decorating your bed appropriately is a small aspect of creating a cozy bed. Most décor experts advise covering your bed in a mixture of fabrics, mixing colors and textures to create a sumptuous look. Generally, you want to tend toward softer materials, which offer plushness, but you can choose any colors that complement the décor around your bedroom.

Don’t Forget Your Pillow Mattress

pillow mattress
pillow mattress

Finally, your bed isn’t complete without a pillow. In fact, sleep exerts advocate sleeping with several pillows, positioning them depending on your preferred sleep posture. You should wait to invest in pillows until after you have your mattress, bed and bedding done and dusted; then, you can be certain of the size and firmness needed from your pillow.

Comfort isn’t easy; you need to work hard to learn as much as possible and mattresses and bedding, and then you need to work hard to obtain the exact right elements for you. Fortunately, when you’re done, you’ll have a wondrously cozy bed to fall into.

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