How to Sharpen Your Chainsaw

How To Sharpen Your Chainsaw – A chainsaw can be a very useful item to have in your workshop. Whether you want to use one in the garden or for woodworking projects, these powerful tools do a job that many other types of the saw cannot handle. Easy to use and powerful, you can buy chainsaws that are suitable for domestic use at sensible prices.

If you are not familiar with using a chainsaw and want to know what people use them for, there is a great article on uses for a chainsaw if you click that link.

Uses in and around your yard include cutting down broken branches. For example, it is your responsibility to ensure that your trees do not endanger anyone else’s person or property. If you have trees that overhang the adjoining sidewalk or road, you need to keep the branches cut back. This is particularly so after a storm, where you may have broken branches that are close to falling – and you need to get to them before they fall, possibly injuring a passer-by or damaging a vehicle.

Many people use a chainsaw for chopping logs. It’s a lot easier than using an axe or a saw and is much quicker too. They can also be used for pruning shrubs, bushes and trees, and for many other such jobs around the home and yard. But, as with all such devices, chainsaws do need maintenance. In particular, a chainsaw – like any type of saw – will become blunt over time, and will need sharpening every now and then if you are to get the best out of your tool. How do you sharpen a chainsaw? We’ll talk about the various options in a moment, but first, a quick note about safety when using a chainsaw.

Using a Chainsaw Safely

A chainsaw is a powerful tool that needs to be treated with respect. These machines can cause serious damage to you and others – as well as property – if they are not used correctly. It is essential that you make yourself familiar with using a chainsaw – pay particular attention to the ‘kick’ it will give when it first engages with the wood it is cutting as this can come as a surprise. It is also vital that you wear good eye-protection and gloves, as well as protective clothing, and never let children play with the saw. There’s some good chainsaw safety advice to be found at that link, so check it out carefully. Now, how to sharpen a chainsaw: is it a DIY job? Let’s find out!

DIY or Professional

Your chainsaw will need sharpening once in a while. How often depends upon the frequency with which you use it, and the type of jobs you use it for. Specifically, it is the cutting teeth of the chain that become dull. When they do start to blunt, you will certainly notice, as jobs that were handled with ease before will become harder to get through.

One way to get your chainsaw sharpened is to take it to either the store you got it from or a provider of chainsaw maintenance solutions in your local area. They will do the job for you at a sensible rate, but if you use your chainsaw regularly, do you really want the time and expense of taking your saw to be sharpened every few weeks? After all, the costs soon add up, so why can’t you buy a sharpening machine like the ones they use in the shops?

The good news is you can, and there are many different types, sizes and prices to look at when it comes to chainsaw sharpeners. Let’s see if we can help you find one at a price you can afford, and that will do the job for you.

How a Sharpener Works and What to Look For

Some chainsaw sharpeners are electrically powered devices. These use a series of grinding wheels, powered by the motor, to effectively wear away the blunt edges and renew them as sharp. These devices can be mounted to a workbench and are very effective. They are adjustable so that you can use them on any chainsaw blade, and come with a variety of operating functions. However, they can be expensive. If you use a chainsaw a lot, then it is certainly worth having a closer look at these powered chainsaw sharpeners, and there are many to choose from.

The factors you need to consider when looking at this type of sharpener include the following:

Power – you need a sharpener with a motor that is powerful enough to grind the teeth precisely and effectively. This is a heavy-duty job, so you need a heavy-duty grinder. Look for one with multiple grinding wheels, as these are more effective. Look for the RPM speed too, as the greater, the more effective. Above 4000rpm is preferred for the very best results.

Weight – if you are not going to mount your device to a workbench, we recommend checking the weight first. Using these by hand can be a chore if you choose one of the heavier models, so it’s certainly worth shopping around and checking the specifications very carefully.

Size – is the device you are looking at big enough for your saw? Again, it’s essential you read the specification carefully, or you could make an expensive mistake!

There is also the option of manual chainsaw sharpeners. These come in various forms. Some are effectively files that are designed specifically for the job, and they are perhaps useful if you only use your saw once in a while and give it a quick filing of the teeth before you put it away. Also, there are models that clamp to the saw itself and, by running the chain through, you get to sharpen the teeth efficiently.

There is a lot to be said for keeping your chainsaw teeth as sharp as possible. Not only does it make the job easier for you, but it also means the saw has less work to do so will produce better results! Check out chainsaw sharpeners now, and you should find one that is suitable for you.

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