Your Ultimate Guide to Buying Mattresses in a Box

Is the online mattress trend for you? Learn everything you need to know to purchase mattresses in a box after reading this guide.

Was George W. Bush or, worse, George H.W. Bush still in office the last time you replaced your mattress? If so, you need to change that right away.

The average mattress is only designed to last for about 10 years before it needs to make way for a new one. So if yours has passed the decade mark, now is the right time to start thinking about buying a new mattress.

Fortunately, it’s never been easier to buy a new mattress than it is today. You can purchase one of the many mattresses in a box online and have it delivered right to your home.

But before you do, you should learn the best way to go about buying mattresses in a box. It’ll increase your chances of finding a new mattress that you look forward to sleeping on every night.
Here is a guide that will help lead the way to the best night of sleep you’ve had in years.

Begin by Learning Who the Best Mattress-in-a-Box Makers Are

Mattresses in a box haven’t been around for very long. The first one was invented back in 2007.

But since then, dozens of mattress-in-a-box companies have popped up each and every year. There are almost 200 of them in the U.S. today, and it doesn’t appear as though this trend is going to slow down anytime soon.

The good news is that this will provide you with plenty of options when you’re shopping for a mattress in a box. But the bad news is that you’re going to have to do your homework and learn about some of the best mattress-in-a-box makers prior to purchasing one.

This will take you some time to do, but it’ll be well worth it on your part. You can find out which mattress-in-a-box manufacturers have been around the longest and which come highly recommended by their past customers.

You’ll feel so much better about buying, say, a Purple mattress when you read a positive review on it and feel comfortable with the Purple brand.

Figure Out Which Type of Mattress in a Box Will Be Right for You

If it’s been a while now since the last time you bought a mattress, you might be surprised to see all the different types of mattresses that have popped up over time. Mattresses in a box are made using a wide range of materials that all provide a different look and feel.

Some of the most popular types of mattresses at the moment are:

  • Innerspring mattresses
  • Memory foam mattresses
  • Hybrid mattresses
  • Latex mattresses

Make it your mission to choose the right type of mattress in a box based on your specific sleeping style. There are some mattresses that are perfect for side sleepers and others that are ideal for those who sleep on their stomachs or backs.

Consider the Costs of Different Mattresses in a Box

When you’re in the market for a new mattress, you should spend some time thinking about how much you can afford to spend on it. You don’t want to fall in love with a mattress in a box only to discover that it’s well out of your price range.

There are some mattresses in a box that are available for just a few hundred dollars. There are others that could cost you several thousand dollars. You should be prepared to find one that fits your needs while also fitting into your budget.

Look for a Mattress in a Box That Comes With a Great Return Policy

One of the things that people worry about when shopping for mattresses in a box online is not being able to touch and feel a mattress before buying it. It makes it very difficult to figure out how much you like a mattress.

There is no getting around this particular part of purchasing a mattress online. But mattress-in-a-box companies understand the trepidation that some people feel when buying mattresses online—and they have a solution for it.

Just about all mattress-in-a-box makers offer a great return policy on their mattresses. Most will allow you to return a mattress after testing it out for 50 or even 100 nights. That’ll give you more than enough time to decide if a mattress is right for you.

Take advantage of this by searching for mattresses in a box that come with the best return policies in the business. You’ll be so glad you did if you buy a mattress online and ultimately find that it’s not a good fit.

Make Sure You Buy a Mattress in a Box at the Right Time

Traditionally, most mattress stores have held big sales on mattresses around most of the major holidays. President’s Day, Memorial Day, and Labor Day, in particular, have always been big sale days for mattress stores.

Online mattress retailers usually have sales on and around these holidays. But they also hold sales online at many other times of the year. They offer their customers promo codes as well that can bring down the price of a mattress significantly.

Prior to pulling the trigger on a new mattress and having it shipped to you, make sure you’re buying it at a time when it’s on sale. Make sure you look around for promo codes, too, so that you know you’re getting a mattress in a box for the best price possible.

Start Shopping for Mattresses in a Box Today

A decade ago, the idea of buying mattresses in a box online wouldn’t have worked for most people. But today, almost 50% of all mattress purchases are made online.

If it’s just about time to replace your existing mattress, think about going with a mattress in a box rather than taking a trip down to your local mattress store. You might be able to save a lot of money and get a mattress that you’ll love in the process.

Click around on our blog to find more articles on buying mattresses and improving your bedroom as a whole.

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