Elegant Living Room Apartment Ideas

Living room apartment ideas – Sometimes, when you want to redecorate your living room to achieve more personalized space, you get confused about what to replace or what to do. If you own an apartment and want to make it less ordinary, you need to come up with living room apartment ideas.

Living room apartment ideas vary from a small living room to a bigger living room area. You can get as creative as you can and channel your inner imagination and creativity.

When you look up to websites or read an interior magazine, there are a lot of ideas that can be put into the home’s living room. Also it is up to the home or apartment owners to create the look. Here are some ideas for your living room apartment.

1. Apartment Living Room Ideas : Mirror on the Wall

apartment living room ideas
apartment living room ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

Decorating a small living room is not an easy job. Especially, if the apartment unit has relatively close rooms that sticking together. To avoid getting cramped, you can try attaching several small mirrors or put a stand-in mirror in the corner of the room.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
The mirror will helps reflecting the light and makes the room looks spacious.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– Only put the mirror(s) if you have a sufficient space, otherwise it will get full and more cramped.
– If you installed the mirror(s), do double check whether you have good accessibility of lights (natural or lamp).
– Do not put too much ornaments or accessories in the room when you already have the mirrors.

2. A ‘Wow’ Combination on the Small Apartment Living Room Ideas

small apartment living room ideas
small apartment living room ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

Mixing bold colors such as green and blue onto the living room apartment is also a great idea. The combination of these colors will surely give off elegant vibes in your home.

You can also add more patterns in the accessories. For example, you can put a sofa and complement them with patterned cushions. The more colors the merrier!

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
You’ll have a live and colorful living room.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
Some people might feel cramped in this living room. All the accessories made the room look crowded.[/su_note]

3. Living Room Apartment Ideas : Free Your Legs!

living room apartment ideas
living room apartment ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

Small living room leaves small space for legs, meaning you cannot go and roam freely in the room. By attaching furniture directly to the wall, you could have empty space in the center of the room which makes it seemed wider.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
You don’t need to use any wallpaper, the pictures on the wall already plays role as room accessories.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– You have to choose the size or dimension of the furniture properly. If it is too big, there is no legs room left.
– You are free to decorate or add more furniture but please remember the purpose of having a free space.
– In a sense, attaching furniture to the wall creates some spaces, yet you also have to consider the way it is being arranged so that it does not consume much space.

4. Mini Library on the Living Room

living room small apartment ideas
living room small apartment ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

The empty wall in the living room can be turned into a mini library. You can display your favorite books and makes it your favorite room. Choose a built-in shelf and arrange your books according to your likings.

You can also use the bottom shelf as storage. Do not forget to give a simple touch of decoration such as flower in vase or unique clock. The moment your guest enters the living room, their attention will be drawn to the library. What a nice room statement!

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
This living room apartment idea is perfect for any bookworm.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
The dust that trapped on the books can provoke an allergic reaction.[/su_note]

5. Small Furniture on Living Room Apartment

living room apartment ideas
living room apartment ideas : https://cdn.freshome.com

One trick to make the living room feels bigger is to select the furniture that does not overpower the space. If the space is way too limited, one can choose to have armless sofa and small coffee table.

Other way is to have small chairs or loveseats so the remaining space can be given to an actual living room table.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
Simplicity is always the best way to decorate your living room.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– Choosing the right furniture and its measurement
– Placing the furniture so it won’t make the room feels smaller[/su_note]

6. Living Room Decor for Apartment : Lively Space with the Green

living room decor for apartment
living room decor for apartment : https://i.pinimg.com

The touch of greenery like hanging plants or flower pots adds lively atmosphere to the living room. This idea comes up with the use of plants to give more values to the living room. If you choose to implement this living room idea, you can save more space on the floor.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
Greenery makes room looks fresher.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– Hanging pots usually invites bugs to come.
– It is kind of hassle to move it outside since plants need sunshine once in a while.[/su_note]

7. Monochromatic Living Room Apartment Ideas

apartment living room decor
apartment living room decor : https://atmedia.imgix.net

These days, the monochromatic pattern still becomes the most sought color pattern in house decoration. As the theme suggests, a monochromatic pattern revolves around dark colors like black and brown and mix with mainly white color.

For example, you can use a white-based sofa and adds a black cushion or arm pillows. The black coffee table is set to create a more solid pattern alongside with the dark brown floor rug. The color combination that can be used in this idea is basically white, black, and brown.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
The monochromatic scheme works best in area which has white as the based color or the background. The contrast makes it easier to mix with.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– Other ornaments must be based in monochromatic colors too.
– This living room idea is best implemented in a room with bright lighting available.[/su_note]

8. Draperies Living Room Style

living room for apartment
living room for apartment : https://atmedia.imgix.net

A living room with a big window needs draperies to create the height illusion. Hang the draperies where the wall meets the ceiling to add the instant height. Soft colored properties shown in your living room could liven the atmosphere.

Try using draperies with a pastel color like dusty pink and you will see that the room looks more bright. Addition of a mirror and painting plus soft a colored sofa and cushions with bright colors complement the whole look.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
The combination on this living room idea does look bright and able to pump-up your mood.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
Hanging draperies only can be used in a medium scale living room.[/su_note]

[su_box title=”Read more popular ideas about living rooms” box_color=”#020202″]

9. Apartment Living Room Decorating Ideas : Keep It Simple, Sweetie! (KISS)

apartment living room decorating ideas
apartment living room decorating ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

KISS stands for keep it simple, sweetie! Sounds funny and rather girly, this apartment design is for girls who wants to keep their living room as simple as it gets.

For starter, pick a neutral color, one additional color and add a metallic color for furnishing. Light and soft colors suits this design very well.

A small coffee table in metallic is cute enough to be put in the room alongside with a long sofa. A vase of roses can be put in the desk aside the vanity mirror. Sofa pillow with various patterns gives colorful vibes and homey atmosphere.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
– Best used in small living room.
– Best implemented in girls or women apartment.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
The color used in the furnishings tends to get stained easily.[/su_note]

10. Layer Lighting for The Breath of Fresh Air

living room ideas apartment decorating
living room ideas apartment decorating : https://atmedia.imgix.net

One key to achieve a big and spacious living room is the benefit of using a layered lighting. Tall ceilings and a big window also contributes to it. Two seater sofa is placed side by side and in the front of it is a sleek table with the sturdy design.

Hanging pole is put on the corner near the door and on the other side is the floor lamp. The unused fireplace is used as decorative matter where you can put picture in frames or toys on top of it.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
A layered lighting in the living room let you breath and move easier.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
Lots of pieces of furniture needed here.[/su_note]

11. Adding Floating Shelves on the Living Room

apartment living room design
apartment living room design ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

Do you wish to display your book collection in the living room but you got a very limited space? Even wondered where to put all essential things in the small room?

Why don’t you try the floating shelves method? It is unique and suitable for homes with a tiny space for the living room. You need a set of shelves, preferably the same color with your wall, and a bit of an artistic idea.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
This idea can be applied in any other rooms of your apartment.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
This only can be applied in homes with a tiny space.[/su_note]

12. Vintage Touch on Your Living Room

living room design for apartment
living room design for apartment : https://atmedia.imgix.net

This unusual sofa is made from a vintage storage box. If you see it closely, the desk lamp has some kind of a mechanical vibe, which is really unique considering how it looks.

The yellow curtain brightens the room instantly and the touch of blue wall just makes it perfect for a cozy yet chic living room. Pillowcase colors that consist of black, blue, and yellow, fit well with colors in the room. It is lively and energetic!

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
– You can turn the shelves into a bookshelf and voila, you’ll have your small library!
– If you want to go the extra miles, you can arrange and modified your sofa so it can also be used as a sleeping sofa.
– If you want to, you can store your shoes in the vintage box.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
Clash patterns in the sofa can look excessive.[/su_note]

13. Clear Mind, Clear Space on Your Living Room Apartment

apartment living room layout
apartment living room layout ideas : https://atmedia.imgix.net

Are you looking for a kind of furniture that gives your living room an invisible illusion? If so, try putting some acrylic or glass furniture. The glass furniture has some kind of disappearing aura in a room.

By placing a glass table in the middle of the room, it instantly creates an empty space within the area. The good news is that it still functions properly as a table. It also gives a beauty touch and esthetic design. This living room apartment idea feels much spacious and bigger.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
– Great for gathering together with family and friends.
– If there is still an empty space or corner, you can attach another glass furniture.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
The glass furniture is fragile. Better not use this living room apartment idea if you have children.[/su_note]

14. Modern Living Room Apartment

modern living room apartment
modern living room apartment : https://ksassets.timeincuk.net

Have you ever thought to decorate your living room lounge using a wallpaper? This trick draws the eye upwards on a high-ceiling and illustrates a wider space.

In a room where contrast furniture are situated, you need to make sure that there is a window in it, to allow the sun rays coming through. You can also add a curtain with the same color as the wallpaper.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
The graphics of wallpaper plays important role in making the living room seems bigger and wider, so you need to choose the pattern carefully.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
If your floor space is limited, you might want to consider to have a small and lightweight desk, rather than coffee table.[/su_note]

15. Shabby Chic Living Room Apartment Ideas

apartment living room furniture
apartment living room furniture : https://contentior.com

The trend of the living room design is changing every year. Starting from the simple yet minimalist to monochromatic. Now there is another trend called shabby chic. What is it?

Shabby chic is basically a design that lets the homeowner to change their room into something vintage, colorful, yet playful. Generally, shabby chic mixes vintage stuff, a slip-covered furniture in white and light-colored accessories.

A striped floor rug is placed on the floor to give the effect of a broad room. The white loveseat is chosen and complements with a striped pillow as well. A pink vintage armchair is put near the window.

[su_note note_color=”#0a9c31″]Pros:
Its fit best for apartment that usually have a small space.[/su_note]

[su_note note_color=”#d90016″]Cons:
– The fireplace can be bothersome.
– Again, these living room apartment ideas may not fit for family with little kids.[/su_note]

Those are the living room apartment ideas for your home. As those are just examples, you are always free to choose, to pick, and to modified the design ideas to your preferred design. You can also formulating a new design and play with it.

Like people said, the living room is the first room in the house that makes the first impression for your guest. You can either find a good apartment with a good living room or find any apartment and apply your own ideas.

Having a good apartment with a good living room might be expensive, but loans are available even if you have a bad credit as stated in CreditRepairCompanies.com. If you  can’t a good apartment with a nice living room, just pick one of these living room apartment ideas and implement it.

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